Humboldt High School

Saint Paul Public Schools

St. Paul, MN

Addition + Renovation


Cuningham Group

Recognized by Finance & Commerce Magazine as a “Top Project of 2020”, the main goal of the Humboldt High School additions and renovations was to ensure that the school is able to meet the 21st century learning needs of students. Project features include two 3-story building additions where one addition provides a “house” for the middle school students and relocates the main entry of the building to provide an identifiable entry adjacent to parking, and the other addition allows the right-sizing of learning spaces to support the existing student population.

Additionally, H+U modified the site to provide an outdoor plaza adjacent to the main entry for outdoor learning and completed several interior renovations to right-size classrooms; co-locate Career and Technical Education and Fine Arts programs to allow for greater collaboration; and relocate administration services directly adjacent to the main entry for a safe and secure entry.

H+U has been serving the Saint Paul Public School (SPPS) District since 2012 and has completed a variety of addition, renovation, and deferred maintenance projects, most of which were completed with the buildings in full operation during the school year.